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Let’s call things what they are: things

The narrative strategy of Christian Eisenberger gives space to subjectivity, letting the witness-author speak, testify, about a mythical past, rooted in his culture with the same force and perseverance like a compass.

In the act of narration of what it is that distinguishes him, he remains not in the centre of reality but in the inalterable world of the mythical; he can deceive his solitude by establishing ties to the world.

The work at the limit of culture demands an encounter with the new which is not part of the continuum of past and present. It creates a sensation of the new as an insurgent act to cultural transmission. This art is not limited to remember a past as social cause or aesthetic precedent, it renews the past and refigures it like a space between contingency that interrupts the performance of the present. That past-present becomes part of the necessity and not the nostalgia of life.



