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PAPPFIGUREN – Cardboard figures

9975 pieces numbered and exhibited in public space, for the people, spontaneous, more and more abstracted, always faster and clearer, beggars, suicides on balustrades, and grandmas with headscarves, historic figures like Stalin, Lenin, also with headscarves at times.

Being a sceptic about the familiar world of phenomena, Eisenberger subjects the object of the image to the requirements of the medium.

Eisenberger takes his topics into a sphere of a higher dimensionality, which is normally under the indifferent gaze of the passersby. His objects and the higher reality confirm each other in their credibility. There is a world that is more real, and he conveys it to us.

The world as a world of shadows, ghosts: the monumentalised object is less a document of doubt about the real world but rather a relic of another.

Christian’s art is a mirror before life, as art evolves together with life and society, when we look back only art shows us how the past really was, while history distorts it.

The key question is, is if you remember what you have seen even a week or more after, if not it is simply not art, or bad art. Luckily, Eisenbergers stuff stays in the memory for a long time.